Films She Creates Change stories are available in various lengths and formats. Watch the full-length 33-minute film, featuring all six girl’s stories, or select episodes, running from 5 to 12 minutes, which feature each girl’s individual story.
Lesson Plans Utilize free life skills lessons in your classroom, at your film screening, in your after-school club or at home with your family! Lessons are adapted directly from Room to Read’s Girls' Education Program, based in schools, and are designed to facilitate discussion on topics ranging from financial literacy to critical thinking.
Podcast Listen to the stories of Yashika, Trang, Dewmini and other changemakers in a special podcast series from Rebel Girls, a global empowerment brand.
Founded in 2000, Room to Read’s mission is to nurture foundational learning skills in children. Our contextualized approach develops children’s literacy and life skills in a dignified and gender-equal way. Non-profit EIN: 91-2003533.